Close Call Company
In januari 2024 starte Raff Pringuet een kersverse compagnie op samen met Julia Gut. Zij zullen zowel samen als apart onder Close Call Company hun artieste werk verrichten.
Daarom word deze website binnen kort omgeruild naar een nieuwe website. Waarop u meer over het gezelschap en de plannen er van kan terugvinden.
‘Just the Moon’
‘Just the Moon’ is de eerste creatie onder Close Call Company en zal door Raff gemaakt en opgevoerd worden.
De voorstelling wordt een 30 minuten durend duet tussen de acro-jongleur en een hyper moderne moving-head. Zij gaan opzoek naar een alternatieve manier van het podium delen. In een strijd tussen man en machine en tussen en lichaam en robot.
Meer informatie in het Creatie dossier.

Graduation Solo act
‘Play!’ the act Raff graduation with from Codarts Circus Arts in June 2021.
‘Play!’ is a family-friendly acro-juggling act in which Raff Pringuet takes you into his bizarre world. While his goal is to play the saxophone he (s)tumbles into bizarre, funny, and stressful situations. While performing acrobatics and juggling, he deconstructs, throws, balances, and hopefully catches the vulnerable saxophone. True the eyes of a naive acrobat, or childish musician, he redefines ‘playing’ the Saxophone.
For the dossier or full-length video, you can always contact me.
Very happy that the act got nominated for the BNG Circus Price.

Cécile – Sinking Sideways
Acro-Dance Collective
Together with Xenia Bannuscher and Dries Vanwalle, we are working on ‘Cécile’, a new performance of our Acro-dance collective: Sinking Sideways.
The premier is planned in October 2022 at Vitrine Perlex.
For more information click on the button bellow.

Wie niet weg is,is gezien!
– Johhny Muss
4+ Muziek theater voorstelling
In Wie niet weg is, is gezien! maak je kennis met zij, hij en hem. Zij speelt zonder woorden met woorden. Hij tokkelt op zichzelf en op wat hem omringt. Hem duikelt en struikelt. Zo komen ze samen tot een nieuwe taal vol extraverte energie en eenvoud en vertellen een verhaal van blijven, zijn en worden.

A Matter of Time – Tea Time Company
Juggling and acro show
Three performers disobey the laws of nature as they challenge each other to break gravity, bend time and reach the impossible. Newton, eat your heart out.

PLOCK! – Cie Grensgeval
Acrobatic paint performance
‘PLOCK!’ is an half hour acrobatic/theater show form Cie Grensgeval. Originally Performed by Camiel Corneille. The show revolves around the famous painter Pollock.
Raff will perform ‘PLOCK!’ a few times in Belgium and France from December 2021 on.

Workshops & Animation
Street/Side animations/Workshops…
I provide side animation with acrobatics, juggling, unisycling, fire or light juggling,… for variouse events like: Kids parties, Helloween walks, compagnie openings,…
I’m as well very happy to give workshops in either Acro-juggling, Acro-dance, or Alternative juggling. Workshops can be accessible for people of all ages, from beginner to advanced.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Previous Projects

Group show
In Elle, directed by Roberto Magro, the fourth-year students of Codarts Circus Arts try to find a relationship between Death and Life. They are accompanied by four musicians from the Classical department, and the composer Simon Thierrée.

Frog eats Frog
Acro-Juggling Solo
Very light and short acro-juggling act, inspired by the “nature documentary”. Showing the natural instinct of the Acrobat or Juggler in research.

Acro – Juggling – H2H
Batist Van Baekel, Senne Van den Veegaete, Pepijn Ronaldo and Raff Pringuet expore the combination of Hand to Hand, Juggling, and Floor acrobatics in a playfull and bouncy act. Feeling the grove and good vibes, brought to you true circus. Won the Belgium Youth Circus Award in 2016, Kunst Bende.